Bellyful of Friendship

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Bellyful of Friendship

English Comedy

Pod freaks out when he almost runs into his academic rival from the smart school, Franny the Panny. He begs Squish to “eat him” so he can hide from her in Squish’s belly. The plan works. Later, when Pod and Peggy have exclusive tickets to a movie premiere, Squish begs Pod to let him hide in Pod’s belly so he can sneak into the movie. Pod refuses. Squish thinks this is unfair, and tries to climb inside Pod’s mouth (and stomach) anyway. He succeeds… just as Pod ends up on accidental movie “date” with Franny! Talk about being a “third wheel!”

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Cottonwood Media, Federation Kids Family, Planeta Junior


Jack-Antoine Charlot


Eddy Fluchon


Planeta Junior

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